Smart FNO Trader

Smart FNO Trader

Future and Options

we provide comprehensive training on Future and Options. Our courses are designed to provide individuals with a detailed insight into the basics of Future and Options, including Future Strategies, Advanced Options, Options Strategies, Options Entry and Exit, and OI-based Training.

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Future and Options are financial instruments that are widely used in the financial markets for hedging, speculation, and arbitrage. At Smart Share Institute, we provide a detailed insight into Future and Options, including Future Strategies, which are used to manage risks associated with price movements in the underlying asset.

We also provide training on Advanced Options, which include techniques such as delta, gamma, and theta to manage risk and maximize profits.

Future Strategies

Our Options Strategies course is designed to provide individuals with a detailed insight into various options strategies, including straddles, strangles, and iron condors. We also provide training on Options Entry and Exit, which is critical in options trading, as the timing of entry and exit can significantly impact the outcome of the trade.

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Advanced Options

At Smart Share Institute, we also provide training on OI-based Training, which is used to identify potential price movements in the underlying asset. OI stands for Open Interest, which is the number of outstanding contracts at any given point in time. OI-based Training involves analyzing changes in open interest and identifying potential price movements based on the data.

Additionally, we provide training on Position Sizing, Capital, Risk & Portfolio Management, which is critical in Future and Options trading. These courses are designed to provide individuals with the necessary tools to manage their investments effectively.

Options Entry And Exit

Smart Share Institute provides comprehensive training on Future and Options. Our courses aim to provide individuals with a detailed insight into Future Strategies, Advanced Options, Options Strategies, Options Entry and Exit, and OI-based Training. With Smart Share Institute, you can take the first step towards making informed decisions about your investments and manage them effectively.

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